Cherokee Basics

IndexGetting startedInstallation

Installing Cherokee: from Git

The latest, bleeding edge Cherokee release can always be retrieved via Git. Note that this is the development release and could very well be unstable.

To fetch the Git repository you will need to have Git installed.

To download, clone, or fork, simply visit the Cherokee Project page on Github.

Compiling and installing

Once you have downloaded the latest SVN revision, you will need to follow the installation instructions for your specific platform.

Note that some of the files present in the tarball are not present in SVN. Most noticeably, the file ./configure that will be needed for the installation process.

To generate the missing files simply run this command:


As optional parameters, you can specify any option you want passed to ./configure. This way you can avoid issuing another command for the configuration.

For instance, this line will configure your local copy with the four specified parameters:

./ --prefix=/usr        --sysconfdir=/etc \
             --localstatedir=/var --enable-trace

You would then be ready to proceed with the standard compilation process for your platform: